Water Treatment Plant: Definition, Process, and How it Works

Initial Information about Water Treatment

Cloudy water is no longer a problem if you know how to clear it. A water treatment plant is one way you can choose to clear cloudy water. For some people, this process is very common to hear or even do, but for others it still sounds so foreign.

Therefore, we will treat all your curiosity about water treatment plants by providing various kinds of information ranging from understanding, process to how it works. Let's add to your knowledge through the following interesting reviews.

Definition of Water Treatment Plant

Water treatment or water treatment is a process carried out to improve water quality so that it can be accepted or used for end use under certain conditions. These conditions include irrigation, industrial water supply, maintenance of river flows to drinking. Therefore, many parties use this system also to treat waste.

Meanwhile, the Water Treatment Plant (IPA) or commonly known as the Water Treatment Plant is a system that has the function to treat water in raw or contaminated form which will then receive special treatment. So that it can produce water that can be consumed and has met the right quality standards.

Water Treatment Plant Process

After knowing the definition, then you need to know about what processes exist in WTP. So if one day you need it, you can immediately follow the steps of the following water treatment plant process. But before going any further, it is necessary to know that water treatment plants have direct standards from PerMenKes 32 of 2017. Here are the processes that you can find in the water treatment plant system!

1. Ozone Process

The Ozone process includes various stages that the contaminated water must go through. The various stages are disinfection, detoxification and finally deodorization.

2. Reverse Osmosis Process

Reverse osmosis or RO is a process of filtering large molecules and ions in a solution by applying pressure when the solution is on one side of the selection membrane (filter layer).

3. UF Filter or Ultrafiltration Process

The next process is a filtering method known as UF Filter or Ultrafiltration which functions to separate small particles and some dissolved substances from water.

4. Carbon Filter

Furthermore, carbon filter is a process used to purify water and also remove odors. This process is one of the most important so that the water is not only safe but also comfortable for consumption.

5. Sedimentation Process

The sedimentation process is a step taken to separate two different media, namely clear water and sediment in the form of sand to various other particles. This process is no less important, right?

6. Aeration Process

Aeration is a process used for the decomposition of organic substances. This stage is equipped with a tool that can help aeration in the form of an air blower so that waste water can be exhaled into the air. The final stage of this process will describe the pollutant compounds present in the wastewater.

7. Custom Bacteria

The next process is Custom Bacteria which serves to reduce the concentration of bacteria in general. This step will also remove pathogenic bacteria that can cause disease.

8. Equalization Process

Equalization is a process that is used to equalize the flow of water in terms of wastewater quality which usually uses a tool like the previous process, namely a blower.

9. Process Bar Screen

The last process in the water treatment plant is a bar screen which functions to filter objects that are also submerged in the water. So the end result will be very good and can be used immediately.

How Water Treatment Plants Work

Although not too simple, the way a water treatment plant works is very easy to do. As long as you follow the instructions properly, you can apply all the processes described earlier.

Initially, the wastewater is put into a reservoir which will then go through various processes ranging from ozone, reverse osmosis, UF filter or ultrafiltration, then carbon filter. Furthermore, the results of this stage will be re-added to the ozone so that it can be checked whether everything is in accordance with the quality standards of liquid waste or not.

If so, then the next process that will be passed is sedimentation, clarifier, aeration, custom bacteria, and equalization. After that, the results will go to a water reservoir which is often referred to as the primary. Then enter the final stage, namely the bar screen process so that water will then be pumped into various buildings and constructions.

Surely not a few of you are asking, how much is the price of this water solution in Indonesia on the market? Who would have thought, the price is very affordable. But this price can be higher depending on where and how much waste will be filtered.