New Strategy Used by Advertising Agency Indonesia

What is Advertising Agency in Indonesia Do in this Digital Age?

Advertising agencies in Indonesia are starting to use content marketing strategy as a product or service marketing tool. Content marketing is one of the tools for finding relevant information for potential customers. In detail, content marketing is a marketing strategy where you have to plan and distribute content that is able to attract the right audience, and encourage the target audience to become consumers. 

Content marketing has 2 goals, including:

  • Attract new audiences to recognize the product or service business of the company that advertises.
  • Encouraging the audience to buy or use the product or service and become consumers.

Content marketing from advertising agencies must attract a large audience

Maybe you are still confused about the form of content marketing, but you actually often see the form of content marketing. If you follow the social media accounts of big companies/brands, they will send interesting updates related to their products or services. 

The update can be in the form of photos, videos, articles or just a line message in their status updates. The nature of content marketing can be entertaining, educational, emotional, and so on. But, the most important thing is that the content must be made interesting, this is needed to attract more audience.

Content marketing is a more effective marketing strategy than traditional marketing models. This is because in traditional marketing, advertising agencies usually help create advertisements for their clients' products or services in the hope that the audience who sees the ad will buy it. The problem at this time, it is no longer very effective, people are now immune to the promotion of products or services in the form of advertising.

Content marketing is soft selling

So when the audience sees ads online or offline, they will think it's just a thing of the past. While content marketing uses videos or articles that provide benefits to the audience but still have a hidden advertising message. Content marketing is usually soft selling, because the message conveyed to promote the product or service is implied.

The great thing about content marketing is that it provides long-term benefits. If a new product or service uses the traditional marketing model, they will advertise and normally sales will increase, but when the advertising is discontinued, sales will decline again. 

This is because they only know the existence of the product or service through advertisements and promotions.

While content marketing, if you have content that is very useful and in demand, then the audience will still find the content through social media. Audiences will become followers, subscribers, and potentially as customers. Actually, advertising and content marketing can go hand in hand, so that promotions made for these products or services will achieve maximum goals and results.

Today's advertising agencies must have a content marketing strategy that can help their clients to promote their products or services appropriately and on target targets. Today's advertising agencies must open their eyes to technology that is currently developing rapidly. They should use promotion strategies that are more modern and will make it easier for them to achieve the goals for their agency and the clients they work with.

It's no wonder that today's rapidly developing technology leads us to keep abreast of existing changes and start using the media to do many things that will make it easier. As is the case with advertising agencies in Indonesia today, which are starting to use content marketing strategies to market and advertise clients' products or services because they are considered effective enough to use. They merge the strategy with old-school media like corporate promotional items with the new strategy and it really works!